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George Miller is a blogger.

Geo's Logic documents interesting and unusual things I stumble across including books, news events and museums.

I shoot pictures every day and post them to my tumblr page.

The Journalism & Society blog focuses on ethics in journalism.

The Entrepreneurial Journalists of Philadelphia blogsite presents interesting things happening in independent media, and lists free services novice web publishers can take advantage of immediately.

The Temple Journalism Review takes a critical look at the Philadelphia media scene.

During the summer of 2010, I worked with 18 students who documented the London music scene. We blogged about the interesting places and people we met along the way. We also created a glossy magazine.

As part of our London experience, we also documented life in London, showing off museums, clubs, boutiques and other cool things to see.

The Picture London blog shows you London from beyond a tourist's perspective.

The Picture Armagh site is a showcase of photography from a Temple University journalism program in Armagh, Northern Ireland during the summer of 2007.

During the summer of 2006, four students and I documented the Le Marche region of Italy and created a non-traditional travel guide.

You can follow my tweets at gwmiller3, geoslogic and/ or J1111.